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  • I only write numbers in base 10.

    Who am I?

    My name is Pablo Rauzy, but I also go by p4bl0, mostly when I'm not away from keyboard. I'm an associate professor of computer science at Université Paris 8 – Vincennes à Saint-Denis, where I'm teaching many different topics to computer science and geopolitics students. I'm also the head of our computer science licence degree. In addition to technical skills, I try my best to give our students a critical perspective on technologies and raise their awareness about their social role as future developers. My research takes place in the PASTIS team and focuses on emancipatory security and privacy. That is, security that serves the people rather than companies or states. I'm one of the founder of the Upsilon project. I'm also taking part in the Géode project and the GdR “Internet, IA et Société”. These days my most of my research activity concerns the limits of blockchains. Apart from my life as an associate professor, I also handle sounds and lights for La Corde sensible, an awesome theater company. This is me with a giant ladle on my head, and here is a more recent picture.

    Academic background

    Before my current position at Paris 8, in 2015–2016, I spent a year as a post-doctoral researcher in the Privatics research team of Inria, at the CITI lab in Lyon, France. There I was working with Daniel Le Métayer on formal model for privacy as control.

    Before my post-doc, from 2012 to 2015, I was a PhD student in the SEN research group of the COMELEC department at Telecom ParisTech. My advisor was Sylvain Guilley. I was working on formal software methods for cryptosystems implementation security, against side channel and fault injection attacks. I was also teaching at Polytech'UPMC.

    Before starting my PhD, from 2009 to 2012, I was studying at the Computer Science department of the École normale supérieure de la rue d'Ulm, where I graduated from the Parisian Master of Research in Computer Science.

    Before studying at the ENS, from 2007 to 2009, I was a Mathematics and Computer Science student for two years at Luminy's Faculty for Sciences, which is a part of the University of the Mediterranean.

    More about me

    I am an activist. The political movement which best fits my views and ideals is anarcho-communism, as I see both freedom and equality as fundamental and inseparable. The UCL manifesto (in French) is a good read to learn more about this movement. I firmly believe in revolutionary syndicalism as the way to transform society. The Charter of Amiens is a nice read on the subject.

    I'm a strong supporter of free software and free culture (“free” as in “freedom”), and of the open access movement in particular.

    I like pirate's culture a lot. Pirates crews were among the first anti-authoritarian, egalitarian, anti-statist, internationalist, and self-organized societies.

    I also value hip hop culture, as I love words, language, figures of speech, and constrained writing. I think that many of the best poets and language technicians call themselves MCs or deejays nowadays.

    I maintain a list of books on the miscellaneous page, and I believe this list captures me quite accurately.

    Shining sun for the smile
    Some music for the vibe
    Loads of love for my tribe
    A hammock for lifestyle


    The best way to contact me is by email at either “r at uzy.me” (personal) or “pr at up8.edu” (work). You can also send me paper emails using the following non RFC 3696 compliant address: “Pablo Rauzy, UFR STN / Dpt PIF, 2 rue de la Liberté, 93526 Saint-Denis Cedex, France”, if you are this kind of hipster. At this address I live in office A184 in the building A of the Paris 8 campus. Oh and by the way, I more or less look like this.


    News & Updates

    Nouveau Front populaire

    Il faut soutenir le Nouveau Front populaire. Le 30 juin et le 7 juillet, votez et faites voter pour le Nouveau Front populaire.

    Unblocked & Unchained Symposium

    I'm finally publicly announcing the Unblocked & Unchained Symposium, which will take place the 13/12/2024 at Université Paris 8. I'm very happy with the panel of speakers I've been able to invite! Detailed program and registrations on https://unblockchained.sciencesconf.org/ (in French).

    Design renovation

    These last few weeks I improved the HTML structure and the CSS design of this website. The code is cleaner and lighter, colors and contrasts are enhanced, and the mobile version is now a lot better.

    Syndicalistes !

    With a group of union activists we're launching a new website that aims to be a platform to discuss and improve union practices.
    See our call “Échanger pour agir, agir pour l'émancipation” (in French).


    I made myself a linktree-like web page listing all my web presence: +.Pablo.+.

    Unblocked & Unchained

    I'm trying to popularize and disseminate my work on blockchains through a series of conferences and events that I call the Unblocked & Unchained Tour, the linked page is regularly updated with new informations and dates.

    Internship in privacy

    I have an internship position open for a computer science Master student wishing to work on the study of the control over personal data in GNU Taler.

    Postdoc in privacy

    I have a 12-month postdoc position to fill by october 2022. The goal is to work on modeling privacy in a formal framework for ethical reasonning.

    Open positions at UP8

    We have two tenured positions opened in my computer science department at UP8. More details here.

    Antiracism and Solidarity campaign

    We are launching a campaign for antiracism and solidarity, sign the call!

    Open positions at UP8

    We have three tenured positions and two 1-year positions opened in my computer science department at UP8. More details here.

    Open teaching position at UP8

    We have a 1-year teaching position opened in our computer science department (in Saint-Denis, France). Please get in touch with me if interested.

    Launching cygale.net

    I just launched the cygale.net website creation service. It is powered by my open source CMS Cigala.


    For approximately a year I've been involved in the Géode project, which is carried by the IFG. My role in the project is to work on models of control over personal data. I also teach in the IFG's master degree.

    Upsilon launching day debrief

    Upsilon launch meeting took place the 29/03 at UP8. The action oriented debrief of the meeting is now available. Let's get busy!


    François Lesueur and I are publicly launching the Upsilon project. The goal of Upsilon is to develop emancipatory security by bringing together people from academia, free software, and popular education.

    Pas Sage En Seine 2018

    The videos of the two talks I gave at PSES 2018 are online. The first one, Modéliser le contrôle des utilisateurs sur leurs données personnelles, is about privacy; the second one, Les communs, la recherche, et le libre accès, is about open access.

    Pas de vacances pour les luttes !

    In order to keep the social movement alive during the spring holidays, I organize a week of political conferences from the 23rd to the 29th of April at Paris 8 University.

    Le libre accès à la recherche comme commun

    I was invited to give a TEDx talk about open science; I talked about the open access movement and the commons.

    Les enjeux de l'open access

    I was invited by Normandie Université to give a talk about open access challenges to celebrate the launch of their HAL portal.


    I spent the week from 20/11 to 26/11 on @EnDirectDuLabo.

    Dictionnaire des biens communs

    PUF has released a Dictionnaire des biens communs (in French). I contributed the “publication en libre accès” (open access publishing) entry of the dictionary.

    Joining UP8

    I've been recruited at Paris 8 university as an associate professor of computer science (more specifically on the topics of information security and privacy).

    Zite mirror

    A new zite mirror is available on the ZeroNet distributed network.

    My talk on open access to research (French)

    Les Ernest finally uploaded my May 2015 talk on open access :).

    J'ai peur (I'm afraid)

    My thoughts on the recent attack in Paris and the reactions to it.

    Joining Privatics

    I've just started my first precarious researcher job (aka postdoc), yay! I'm satisfying both my scientific and political interests by working on “formal model for privacy as control”.

    Tor, I2P, and IPFS mirrors

    The Onion and EepSite mirrors of my website are back online, and a new IPFSite mirror is available on the IPFS distributed network.

    PhD defense!

    I will defend my PhD on the 13th of July at 10:30, at the ENS Ulm (room Henri Cartan).

    Ni Pigeons, Ni Espions

    I will be part of a panel discussion about the technical aspects of the “Projet de loi relatif au Renseignement”, as part of the Ni Pigeons, Ni Espions event at NUMA on the 1st of June, 2015.

    Les communs de la connaissance : défense du libre accès à la recherche

    Les Ernest invited me to talk about open access.

    Avis sur le Projet de Loi Renseignement

    Mediapart asked me to write a short piece of text on the “Projet de loi relatif au Renseignement”.

    Compromis entre liberté et sécurité, un exemple à taille humaine

    I gave a talk (in French) at the ENS during the « Après Janvier 2015 : s'exprimer contre la terreur » conference week. It is about the trade-off between security and privacy/liberty.

    Visiting Gilles Barthe's team at IMDEA

    I'm visting Gilles Barthe's research group at the IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid from the 12th of January until the 14th of February (2015). We will work together on formal methods and fault injection attacks.

    Research internship proposals

    We propose two research internships for M2 students: “Formal Study of a Countermeasure Against Side-Channel Attacks”, and “Protecting Elliptic Curve Cryptography Against Fault Injection Attacks”.

    Interview par MyScienceWork

    A few weeks ago I was interviewed by MyScienceWork about the implications of open access in terms of scientific dissemination (video in French, English subtitles available).

    Le libre accès à la recherche : une introduction

    Publishing a detailed introduction to the open access movement (in French).


    Launching the #everybodysaycheese operation.
    Get your free stickers!

    New website

    Publishing the new version of my website.