Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.
Open Access Pledge
⚠ NEW: Sign the No free view? No review! pledge.
I call publisher's version the version of a publication produced by the publisher, and definitive version the last version produced by the authors (that in particular takes peer reviews into account).
I consider as an open access (OA) venue any journal, conference, workshop, etc. that either allows self-archiving of the definitive version of articles accepted for publication by the venue with no embargo period, or is directly open access with no fees for the authors.
- Publication
I pledge that:
- I will prioritize OA venues for article submissions.
- I will cite OA version of articles when possible.
- I will provide data and software sources necessary to support my articles.
- Peer-Review
I pledge that:
- I will only participate in the peer-review process for OA venues.
- I will make an effort to be available to review submissions to OA venues.
- I will only take part in the organization (as board/comittee member, chair, editor, etc.) for OA venues.
- Evaluation
When required to evaluate a peer, a research group, or a research project, I pledge that:
- I will not access non-OA publications.
- I will not give undue weight to bibliometrical values.
- Collaboration
I may accept to work with authors who want (or need) to submit their article to non-OA venues. In particular, I understand that PhD students, post-docs, and in general non-tenured academics may not be able to commit to OA as strongly as I do.
When submiting to non-OA venues, I pledge that:
- I will still upload the definitive version of the article at least to my web page, and I will not comply with any abusive requirements from the publisher such as linking to the paywalled version of the article.
- I will not take part in the production of the publisher's version of the article, in particular I will not sign any copyright transfer form.